550 An unknown error occurred. The operation was ended.
551 An unknown error occurred. The operation was ended.
552 An unknown error occurred. The operation was ended.
553 Uninstallation failed. The program was not found.
554 You do not have permission to uninstall the selected program.
555 An error occured while uninstalling.
556 Change failed. The program was not found.
557 You do not have permission to change the selected program.
558 An error occurred during the change.
559 The repair operation failed. The program was not found.
560 You do not have permission to repair the selected program.
561 An error occurred while attempting the repair operation.
562 The opening of the readme file failed. The file was not found.
563 You do not have permission to open the readme file.
564 An error occurred while opening the readme file.
565 The settings could not be read.
566 The uninstallation program could not be found.
567 The selected software is up-to-date.
568 No update search was run.\n\nUnknown and unselected programs were ignored.
569 No programs are selected.\n\nIn order to obtain update information\nabout a program, please select the corresponding program.
570 The search operation could not be saved.
571 Your default internet browser could not be opened.
572 The settings could not be saved.
573 An error occurred while trying to connect to the update server.\n\nPlease check to make sure your internet connection is active.
600 No updates available
601 Updates available!
602 Last update scan:
603 Programs found:
604 Updates found:
605 Update programs
606 Program list
607 Updates available:
608 Current version:
609 Current news:
610 Product name:
611 Publisher:
612 Product category:
613 License:
614 System requirements:
615 Installed version:
616 Current version:
617 Administration:
618 Info
619 Short description:
620 Description:
621 Download
622 Buy now
623 Get price
624 at
625 Incorrect link
626 Send update
627 Uninstall
628 Change
629 Repair
630 Your rating:
631 Average rating:
632 Title
633 Date
634 The UpdateStar program database is maintained by the users, for the users. With your support, you can help all other users keep their software setup up-to-date. Simply fill-in the corrections in the online form and send it to us. We will check and evaluate your contribution as soon as possible. Thank you for supporting UpdateStar!
635 Please enter your corrections in the form and then click on 'Send Update'!
636 Your comment:
637 from %s
1009 UpdateStar
5000 &Start page
5001 Program &list
5002 &Help
5004 &Programs
5005 &Import
5010 Here you can change any of the settings for UpdateStar\n&UpdateStar
5020 General
5021 Programs
5022 Filters
5023 Help
5025 Columns
5026 Options
5031 Support
5032 Information
5033 Update
5034 List
5035 General
5036 Options
5037 Imported lists
5038 Search
5500 Sorts the table ascending\nSort ascending
5501 Sorts the table descending\nSort descending
9432 OK
9436 Cancel
9440 &Apply
32774 Exit UpdateStar\nExit\n
32775 Opens the UpdateStar settings\nSettings
32776 Refresh\nUpdates the program list and news
32777 Shows a list of all installed programs\nProgram list
32778 Exit UpdateStar\nExit\n
32779 Scans your computer for installed programs and possible updates\n&Search for updates
32780 Stops the search for updates\n&Stop
32781 Checks for news\nRefresh news
32782 Displays the terms of privacy\nTerms of privacy
32783 Toggles news\n&News
32784 Shows the history of installed programs\nHistory
32785 Imports a file into UpdateStar.\nImport
32786 Exports all or a part of the program in a file.\nExport
32787 Closes an imported list.\nClose
32788 Enables the downloading of predefined program lists.\nDownload UpdateStar Packs
32789 Displays the start page\nStart page
32790 Brings you to the download page\nDownload
32791 Brings you to the purchase page\nPurchase
32793 Displays news about program\nNews
32794 Changes views of imported program lists\nChange import views
32795 Searches for programs on the UpdateStar website\nWeb search\n
32801 Toggles program details\nDetails
32802 Toggles the support information for a program Support information\nSupport information
32803 Displays all programs with a current version.\nCurrent programs
32804 Displays all programs without a current version.\nOutdated programs
32805 Displays all unknown programs.\nUnknown programs
32806 Display all ignored programs.\nIgnored programs
32808 Uninstalls the selected program.\n&Uninstall
32809 Displays additional information about a program or an update.\nMore Information
32810 Displays all programs whose version is unknown.\nPrograms with an unknown version
32811 Displays all system programs.\nSystem programs
32812 Displays all programs that are not installed.\nPrograms that are not installed
32818 Disable program grouping
32834 Displays help topics.\nHelp topics
32839 Opens the filter settings.\nDisplay filter
32840 Increases the font for the visually impaired.\nLarge font
32842 Repairs the current installation of the program.\nRepair
32843 Changes the current installation of the program.\nChange
32871 Opens UpdateStar in the background
32879 Shows or hides the table columns\nColumns
32899 Sorts the table according to the selected column\nSort by
32931 Displays notification symbol.
32933 Refreshes the view in the program list.\nRefresh
32935 Searching for new updates for the program.\nInclude in se&arch for updates
57344 UpdateStar
57345 For help, press F1
57346 Select an object for which you need help
57664 About UpdateStar\nAbout UpdateStar
57665 Closes the window and runs UpdateStar in the background\nClose window
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle status bar